§1 Basic information
1. The Organizer of the „K_Sport Ambassador” competition (hereinafter „the Competition”) is Note Interactive sp. z o.o. with headquarters in Wrocław 50-227, ul. Kleczkowska 45, registered in the Register of Entrepreneurs by the District Court for Wrocław Fabryczna in Wrocław, VI Commercial Division of the National Court Register, KRS: 0000448643, NIP: 8992741174, REGON: 022063532 (hereinafter: the „Agency”) acting on behalf of K-SPORT UK LTD ; address:1 Primrose Avenue, Stockport SK66ED, Companies House Number: 12344527, which is the founder of the prizes in the Competition (hereinafter the „Sponsor”).
2. The Competition runs from the XXX, to the XXX, and is divided into two stages.
1. Stage I, from the XXX, to the XXX – the Competition application stage.
2. Stage II, from the XXX, to the XXX – the stage at which the finalists are voted on.
3. A participant of the Competition (hereinafter: „Participant”) may be any natural person who meets the following conditions on the day of the Competition commencement:
1. has a place of residence in the territory of the United Kingdom,
2. read the content of the Regulations and accepted its provisions,
3. is over 18 years old,
4. has full legal capacity.
Participants may be asked to submit written evidence that they meet these conditions. Any Participant not meeting them will not be allowed to take part in the Competition. If it subsequently transpires any Participant never met all these conditions he shall immediately be disqualified.
4. The Competition is organized on the territory of the United Kingdom.
5. The Competition is aimed at athletes – amateurs and professionals – although being one is not a strict requirement for taking part.
6. Participants submitting their participation in the Competition send their applications via the official website of „XXX”: XXX (the „Website”).
7. The Participant undertakes that the Competition material sent by the Participant:
1. will be the result of the Participant’s personal creativity only,
2. will not contain profanity, offensive or illegal content,
3. will not contain advertising content regarding any entities and products, except for products distributed by the Sponsor,
4. will not infringe the rights of third parties, including in particular: personal rights and copyrights as well as the right to image protection and any contractual or privacy rights.
The Participant shall indemnify the Agent and the Sponsor against any liability arising out of or in connection with a breach of any of these undertakings.
8. Regarding the Competition material sent by the Participant, the Participant declares that he grants the Organizer and the Sponsor an exclusive licence (with the right to assign and sub-license) to use the Competition material for conducting the Competition in accordance with the Regulations and for advertising and marketing purposes of the Sponsor, in particular in press reports, online publications and on social networks, without time and territorial restrictions, with the right to sublicence, in the following fields of use:
1. recording and reproduction – production of copies by any method, in particular by printing, reprographic and digital technology,
2. entering into computer memory,
3. use for the purposes of creating any advertising and promotional materials (press advertisements, leaflets, posters of any size, occasional materials) and using them as part of advertising materials by recording and reproducing them,
4. use on any website,
5. public sharing of works in such a way that everyone can have access to them at a place and time chosen by them, in particular on the Internet,
6. making any changes and modifications, as well as combining with other works.
The Participant waives all rights in and to any derivative works stemming from or any changes or modifications to such Competition material.
9. The Participant gives consent to the use of the Competition material, providing the Participant’s personal data (name, surname, and city of residence), providing data other than the Participant’s data, as well as anonymously.
10. The Competition is not open to persons who are employees of the Organizer and Sponsor, as well as persons from their immediate family, i.e., grandparents, parents, brothers, and sisters and children.
11. By taking part in the Competition, the Participant confirms that he agrees to the rules of the Competition set out in these Regulations.
§2 Rules of the Competition
1. The Competition is open to all those who meet the conditions for participation in the Competition.
2. The first stage of the Competition (application) takes place on the website: XXX
3. The second stage of the Competition (voting) takes place on the website: https://www.facebook.com/ksport.extreme.uk
4. The Competition Participant submits the application on the website mentioned in §2 point 2 via the application form available on the website.
5. By applying in the form, we mean describing yourself as an athlete, including the sport(s) in question and the level and nature of your involvement, describing the project that you want to implement thanks to K_Sport’s support and placing links to your Social Media channels for verification by the Organizer and Sponsor.
6. Failure to submit Social Media channels does not disqualify Participants. However, it may have an impact on not selecting them for the final and the Participant will have no redress if that is the case.
7. The Participant may enter the Competition only once.
8. After the end of the first stage of the Competition. The jury composed of representatives of the Organizer and the Sponsor selects three candidates for the K_Sport Ambassador position who will proceed to the second stage of the Competition. The decision regarding such selection is final and not subject to appeal.
9. During the second stage, voting takes place on the website mentioned in §2 point 3, during which the fans will select one K_Sport Ambassador by casting votes in the poll.
10. During the entire duration of the Competition, the Participant may only win one prize.
11. The Organizer and the Sponsor are not responsible for delayed or lost entries for reasons beyond their control.
12. The Organizer reserves the right to exclude applications from the Competition if it is found that they do not comply with the terms of the Competition, and also if it is found that the entries contain content that violates the law, the interests of other persons or entities, violates good manners and the principles of public order.
13. The Organizer and the Sponsor are not responsible for the content of the entries, in particular when such content will cause claims of third parties due to the infringement of their goods and rights. In such cases, the entire responsibility will rest solely with the Participants, who are the authors of the given entries.
§3 Prizes
§3 Prizes
1. The prize in the Competition is signing a sponsorship agreement, under which:
1.1. The Winner gains the title of K-Sport Ambassador.
1.2. The Winner receives a range of K-Sport products up to the value of £2000 needed to implement the project. The list of products will be agreed individually with the Winner.
2. The Winner may not transfer the right to receive the prize to third parties.
3. From among the submitted applications, the Jury, composed of representatives of the Organizer and
Sponsor, will select 1 Winner.
4. The announcement of the finalists of the first stage will be made within 10 working days from the date of
closing the receipt of applications.
5. The Winner will be announced within 7 working days from the end of the second
stage. The decision on the Winner is final and not subject to appeal.
6. The results of stages I and II will be published by the Agency in the form of private messages to the
finalists of those stages and in the form of information under the Competition post. The Agency will ask those Participants for data for shipping the prize if they win.
7. There is no obligation to award any form of prize to Participants who were not selected by the Jury.
8. If it turns out, that the Winner of the prize is a person who does not meet the conditions set out in § 1 of
these Regulations, such person loses the right to the prize. If this fact is disclosed after its delivery, the person
will be obliged to return it.
9. The prize mentioned in §3 point 1.2 will be transferred to the Winner after they have signed the sponsorship agreement.
10. The Sponsor allows sponsorship of the Winner by other brands, with
the proviso that these cannot be brands competing with the K-Sport brand. The decision on the
competitiveness of a given brand is made by the Sponsor.
11. During the term of the sponsorship agreement, the acquisition of a new sponsor by the Winner
requires the written consent of the Sponsor.
12. As part of the sponsorship, the Sponsor will expect the Winner to carry out various activities on popular Social Media platforms. Their scope will depend on the Winner’s capabilities but may include:
12.1. Publication of the Sponsor’s logo in a well-exposed place in the Social Media channels owned by the
Sponsored Party.
12.2. Placing the Sponsor’s logo in a well-exposed spot on the clothing owned by the Sponsored Party.
12.3. Facebook publications.
12.4. Instagram publications.
12.5. TikTok publications.
12.6. YouTube publications.
12.7. Publications on websites, blogs or other platforms.
12.8. Preparation of a photo session during the implementation of the submitted project.
12.9. Participation in the video made by the Sponsor.
All of the above will be dealt with more fully in the sponsorship agreement.
§4 Responsibility
1. The Organizer may exclude the Participant from participation in the Competition in the event of breach by the Participant of the provisions of these Regulations.
2. The Organizer reserves the right to ask for a scan of an identity document to verify the compliance of the data, and in the event of failure to provide a scan – to disqualify the Competition Participant.
3. Submissions of Participants who are suspected of interfering with the mechanism of the Competition or acting in violation of the rules of fair play will be removed and will not take part in the Competition.
4. The Organizer is not responsible for providing incorrect or untrue data by the Participant regarding the address of residence or other data preventing or delaying the awarding of the prize by the Organizer in connection with the Competition. The Organizer will make one attempt to deliver the Prize to the Winner. If the attempted delivery turns out to be ineffective for reasons beyond the control of the Organizer, in particular in the event of providing an incorrect address by the Winner or failure to collect the parcel by the Winner, the Winner loses the right to the Prize.
5. In the event of failure to implement the project submitted in the Competition, the Organizer may request the Sponsored Party to return part or all of the prize.
6. If complete data is not sent within 7 days from the date of announcing the Winners, the Winner loses the right to the prize.
§5 Complaints
1. All complaints regarding the course of the Competition should be sent in writing within 7 working days from the end of the Competition to the Organizer’s address, provided in § 1.1 of the Competition Regulations, with the annotation „Competition complaint”. The Competition Participant submitting a complaint is obliged to provide his name and surname and correspondence address to which the reply to the complaint should be sent. Complaints will be resolved by the Organizer within 14 working days of delivery.
§6 Personal data
1. The administrator of the personal data of the Competition Participants regarding the first name, last name, e-mail address and address of the Competition Winners, processed as part of this Competition, is the Sponsor. The Sponsor entrusts the Organizer with the processing of personal data of Participants to carry out the Competition.
2. The personal data of the Competition Participant will be processed to properly conduct the Competition, including to select the Competition Winners and to issue the prizes, and made available to the Sponsor and BiggerB social media agency for these purposes. Processing of such personal data shall be governed by the Competition Privacy Policy which can be found at [LINK]. For risk management and liability purposes, personal data of Participants shall be retained for 6 years after the Winner has been announced. The Winner’s personal data shall be retained for 6 years after conclusion of the winning project
3. Providing personal data is voluntary, but necessary to participate in the Competition. Competition Participants have the right to access and correct their personal data. The Participant of the Competition has the right to withdraw consent to the processing of his personal data at any time. Revocation of consent will be tantamount to resignation from participation in the Competition. The above-mentioned rights may be exercised by sending an appropriate application in writing to the following address: XXX The provided personal data will not be made available to entities other than those authorized under the law.
4. The legal basis for the processing of the Participants’ personal data is the Participant’s consent expressed through an express action – sending the Competition Application (legal basis: Article 6 (1) (a) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), („GDPR”)). Providing the data is voluntary, but if it is not provided, the Participant will not be able to take part in the Competition or collect the prizes. In addition, the Administrator also processes the data of the Participants because of its legitimate interest, which is to defend against possible claims, establish claims or pursue them (Article 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR), and based on the legal obligation incumbent on the Administrator, under the provisions of accounting and tax regulations (Article 6 (1) (c) of the GDPR). For UK-based data subjects the UK equivalent data protection legislation shall apply..
§7 Final provisions
1. The Organizer reserves the right not to select the finalists of the Competition or the Ambassador himself without giving a reason.
2. The Regulations shall be subject to the law of the location of the Organiser. Any disputes that may arise in connection with the course of the Competition will be settled by the court competent for the seat of the Organizer.
3. If any part of these Regulations is found to be unenforceable or illegal, it shall be removed to amended to make them compliant without affecting the validity of the remaining provisions.
4. The Organizer reserves the right to amend these Regulations for important reasons, in particular in the event of cancellation or change of the date of the event to which the Competition is related. The Organizer will inform about any changes on the Website. The changes will not violate the rights of Participants created before the change. In all other respects, these Regulations comprise the entire understanding with respect to the Competition and they may not be changed.